Thursday 28 November 2013

Business Card

Business Card:

Now that my style sheet and logo are down, I looked into making a business card. The business card has to be eye catching and has to somehow relate to my brand and logo. I don't want it to be another useless card that is just thrown away. Its needs to be read and understood easily. So before I started in making my business card, I done some research into different themes and cards and made this moodboard:

Once I had gained some research into business cards, I began sketching my own. This is a scan in of my sketch:

I wanted the name of the logo and the barbell to be the hero of the image. it is my logo afterall. I then took this sketch into Adobe Photoshop and began digitizing it. I used the brush and burn tools. This is what it looked like:

Once that was done, I used the background of my logo and implemented that in:

1) Background

2) Added barbell

3) Added Text

4) Added my contact details to finalise the Business Card

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