Thursday 5 December 2013

Developing a Website

Developing a Website:

A website is crucial to get my products, thoughts and opinions across to a wider audience through the internet. The Business Card points towards that direction for more information about myself and my portfolio.

Being a beginner in website development I found Wix a very useful tool. It's free and is really easy to use. I found one thing disappointing. It's that I couldn't make a hyperlink towards another section of the website within the same page. Anyhow, I embraced what I already had and began to develop my website and portfolio.

But before I began developing my website, I conducted some research into other people's portfolios.

After the research I began to do my own wireframe sketch of what I think would look good for my website:

With the planning at hand, I began to play around with Wix and understand its mechanics. I started filling out the website with my backgrounds and logos to get a quick gist of its image.

In the end I am very happy with the outcome. Despite this being the first time making an online portfolio, I think I have done really good. I will definitely continue to practice website development for the future.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Business Card

Business Card:

Now that my style sheet and logo are down, I looked into making a business card. The business card has to be eye catching and has to somehow relate to my brand and logo. I don't want it to be another useless card that is just thrown away. Its needs to be read and understood easily. So before I started in making my business card, I done some research into different themes and cards and made this moodboard:

Once I had gained some research into business cards, I began sketching my own. This is a scan in of my sketch:

I wanted the name of the logo and the barbell to be the hero of the image. it is my logo afterall. I then took this sketch into Adobe Photoshop and began digitizing it. I used the brush and burn tools. This is what it looked like:

Once that was done, I used the background of my logo and implemented that in:

1) Background

2) Added barbell

3) Added Text

4) Added my contact details to finalise the Business Card

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Style Sheet

Style Sheet:

To have a style sheet is to plan out what kind of colours and design is to be used. It helps to set the theme and tone through the items that are being produced. It is important to keep things such as colours, font and style consistent because it means that viewers will be able to easily and quickly recognise the product, where its from and who made it through things such as the logo and business card.

Firstly I done some research into colour wheels:

Different colours can mean many different things. Emotions and feelings can be shown through colours. For example, Red can display intense fire & blood, energy, war, strength and danger. At the same time it can display passion and love. Many brands look into this aspect in order to come out with a great brand logo. This is an example of good logos:

I needed to decide on a colour to choose. After the research I decided to go forward with brown. I found it to be serious but simple. A down-to-earth colour signifying stability, structure and support. In colour psychology, brown is honest, genuine and sincere. It relates to hard working  the industrious and reliable, with both feet planted firmly on the ground. It is sensual, sensitive and warm, engulfing one in a feeling of calmness and comfort. With that in mind, I found that the barbell and name "Superior Studios" further shows the strength and stability of my brand. I want my brand to be dominant and strong, placing a foothold in the industry and there to stay.

With the newly acquired knowledge of colour theory and psychology, I had to take a look into a font style that will fit the theme of my logo. I done some research into this:

I experminted with the different types of fonts with the name of my logo. I asked my friends which one was the best to fit my logo. I found a liking to Snap ITC because of its simplicity and cartoony style. My logo and colour show strength and stability but I wanted to implement that touch of simplicity and easy to understand.

Once all the research had been done, I made this style sheet:

Monday 4 November 2013

Logo Design

Logo Research and Design:

For a logo to be successful, it must be eye catching and also have aspects that will make people remember it. The logo of the company is what makes the company noticeable. Much can be said about a company just by looking at its logo.

The logo should be:

- Simple.
- Eye catching.
- Easy to understand.

From Researching the internet, different magazine and newspapers I have found some logos that fit into my criteria. I find that the barbell logo fits my personality. The barbell indicates strength, power and dominance.

So I took that idea forward, and done my own logo sketches here:

After the sketch, I got some honest feedback from friends, which was positive. So I put the sketch into Adobe Photoshop and digitized it using the brush tool for drawing and burn tool for definition.

This is the final outcome of the logo design.

Wednesday 23 October 2013


I looked into many different types of Art. I found a few that i found interesting. I am going to refine my ideas to choose one specific Art Style so that the theme stays the same throughout my portfolio.