Thursday 5 December 2013

Developing a Website

Developing a Website:

A website is crucial to get my products, thoughts and opinions across to a wider audience through the internet. The Business Card points towards that direction for more information about myself and my portfolio.

Being a beginner in website development I found Wix a very useful tool. It's free and is really easy to use. I found one thing disappointing. It's that I couldn't make a hyperlink towards another section of the website within the same page. Anyhow, I embraced what I already had and began to develop my website and portfolio.

But before I began developing my website, I conducted some research into other people's portfolios.

After the research I began to do my own wireframe sketch of what I think would look good for my website:

With the planning at hand, I began to play around with Wix and understand its mechanics. I started filling out the website with my backgrounds and logos to get a quick gist of its image.

In the end I am very happy with the outcome. Despite this being the first time making an online portfolio, I think I have done really good. I will definitely continue to practice website development for the future.